Monday, July 30, 2012

Dissertation Writing

I made a scholarship application for a PhD in Microbiology a few weeks ago. I didn’t know that I would be required to write an admission essay. The admissions body commented that my papers were good, and that from my personal statement I clearly was going places. The only thing left with which they could test my qualification was through the admissions essay. I’m not bad in essay writing, but this requirement has obviously shaken the hell out of me. 
I can’t understand why they saved this essay-writing bit for the last straw. I fear that by asking me to write my essay, they must have detected some weakness in my ability, or else what would the reason be for requesting that I write my essay as a final test. I fear to write my essay more than I think I will dread dissertation writing. As I speak, I feel more competent to do dissertation writing than write my essay for an admissions panel. I am thinking of hiring dissertation writing services to write my essay, yet I still have a feeling that this too, will be detected. 
I have heard that very few PhD students tackle dissertation writing personally. The trend is to buy dissertation writing from essay writers. The temptations to have an expert write my essay is overwhelming. The deadline to mail the essay is close, with no attempt to write my essay yet. I am therefore appealing to anyone out there who has been in a similar position to help me out. 
Do I write my essay hoping for the best; or do I engage dissertation writing firms instead? Please recommend any one such firm on whose dissertation writing excellence I can rely. I would prefer a recommendation for a company whose dissertation writing has been tested and found impeccable.